“The essence of mathematics is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple.”
~S. Gudder
When Mathematics subject is mentioned, some of us shudder away. Why is this so? Is it due to the difficulty of the subject? When I ponder upon my own experience of learning Mathematics, I feel that I was not given enough exposure or support to comprehend the problem.
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) has made some significant changes to the subject of Mathematics. By using the different research models from the various psychologists, the council has determined the best ways to educate children in the area of Mathematics. They published a document which provides direction of this subject for the Kindergarten level to 12 grade. This document consists of six principles of teaching mathematics in school.
- Equity
- Curriculum
- Teaching
- Learning
- Assessment
Six Principles of Teaching Mathematics in School.
- Number Operations
- Algebra
- Geometry
- Measurement
- Data Analysis and Probability
The goals in these contents differ according to the levels of the grade. Planning these goals helps teachers to plan learning outcomes efficiently.
5 process standards.
In addition to content standards, there are 5 process standards. Through these processes, children assimilate and learn Mathematics.
Problem solving: Children use a variety of methods to solve problems. For example, I asked a child to find a container, which holds more water. The child picked up a few containers which he thinks will hold more and finally chose a container that holds more.
Reasoning and proof: Children should question themselves on how they arrived at the answer. This will allow children rationalize their answer. For example, I taught children from Kindergarten 1 class on more and less concept. Children were able to understand that 5 birds is more than 2 birds. I asked children, “Why is it more?”. They said they are many birds in the picture. “How many more?” There were 3 more birds in the picture.
Communication : Children were able to solve problems if they discuss with a group. This will enhance learning and allow children to express more ideas. I asked children to form a group and form $2.50 with sample money. When I observed their interactions, I noticed that they could make 50 cents in a variety of ways.
Connections: Children can make connections in the subject of Mathematics. For example, children can relate counting numbers in 10’s in the content of money. They can also relate their learning of money in real life situations, where children use money to purchase items from shops.
Representations: Manipulatives, graphs and other mathematical symbols can be used to represent mathematics data. For example, counters can be used to count numbers.
My thoughts...
Mathematics in this era must not be taught through traditional ways. Now Mathematics is implemented through unconventional ways. Through learning corners and technology children learn Mathematics in a modern way. Teachers should also have a positive attitude towards the subject and should constantly reflect the methods of teaching it.
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